By MPP Toby Barrett The announced Heinz closing in Leamington is a chilling reminder of the importance of agri-business in rural Ontario. Gone are 740 full-time and 350 seasonal positions. Gone are farm labour jobs and employment in support businesses up and down the value chain. And then there’s the farmers left without a market … Continue reading “Heinz shutdown continues a dismal trend on jobs”
Year: 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 21, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK – The partial return of the spring bear hunt is a step in the right direction, according to Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett. Last week the Ministry of Natural Resources announced a plan that would see a spring hunt in areas with the highest human-bear conflicts with the … Continue reading “Barrett supports spring bear hunt to manage nuisance bears”
By MPP Toby Barrett Ontario is in trouble. Not only is the provincial economy weaker than expected but the Ontario government now seems to be giving up completely on wasteful spending and reduction of our deficit and debt. In the past few years, Ontario has lost its way. We have become a province of bigger … Continue reading “When you dig a hole of debt – stop digging”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Nov. 15, 2013 SIMCOE – MPP Toby Barrett is concerned with a disturbing trend following the announcement of Heinz closing its operations in Leamington. Heinz announced yesterday it would be shutting down its Leamington plant, a main employer in the community for more than 100 years. The plant closure will mean another … Continue reading “Heinz closure part of a disturbing trend”
By MPP Toby Barrett “Finest of mortal friends I’ll not forget. When war’s a faded memory in the land.” F/Lt Peter Roberts By MPP Toby Barrett As we pledge, at this time of year, to remember the sacrifices made by those who fought on our behalf, two local books have arrived to help us … Continue reading “Two tangible ways to remember those who served”
Select Committee on Developmental Services to hold public hearings
For Immediate Release November 13, 2013 Simcoe – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett is pleased to report the All-Party Select Committee on Developmental Services has been approved and will be hosting public hearings. “It is now time parents and caregivers of loved ones with developmental disabilities to take the opportunity to tell of their everyday strife,” … Continue reading “Select Committee on Developmental Services to hold public hearings”
Fall Economic Statement proof government spending out of control: Barrett
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Nov. 7, 2013 SIMCOE – In the days leading up to the Fall Economic Statement, Ontario had the dubious honour of having its poor fiscal situation recognized in North America’s premier financial publication, The Wall Street Journal. In the article, author Don Curren writes that California is generally held up as an … Continue reading “Fall Economic Statement proof government spending out of control: Barrett”
By MPP Toby Barrett I’ve always been a believer that if you have the energy to complain and criticize then you’d better have the teeth to finding a solution. Last week I wrote about the decline of our province. We cannot afford more tinkering around the edges. Ontario needs decisive action. The Province of Ontario … Continue reading “There can be hope after the past ten years”
By MPP Toby Barrett Our forbearers built a province that offered an unparalleled promise that if you worked hard you would be rewarded with more take-home pay, and with security to buy a home, raise a family and provide a future for that family. However, over the past decade government has broken that promise. The … Continue reading “The past ten years have been ten lost years”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELASE: Oct. 30, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK – In the wake of four grass carp – a species of Asian carp – found to be reproducing in Ohio’s Sandusky River, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett is calling for a full frontal assault on the invaders and re-allocating the necessary resources to the Ministry of Natural … Continue reading “Barrett calls for all-out fight against Asian carp”