FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 28, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK – This is the time for action, not words, when it comes to Asian carp, MPP Toby Barrett charged in the Ontario Legislature today. Barrett’s questions came in advance of hearings into the Ontario government’s Ministry of Environment legislation, Great Lakes Protection Act. Premier Kathleen Wynne passed his … Continue reading “More action needed on Asian carp: Barrett”
Year: 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 25, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK –MPP Toby Barrett’s Private Member’s Bill titled The Comprehensive Pay Fairness Act was defeated yesterday by government and third party MPPs after second reading debate. “During debate the Liberals and NDP made it very clear they would not support any move towards public sector/private sector pay equity,” … Continue reading “Barrett’s pay equity bill blocked in the Legislature”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 24, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK –A question from MPP Toby Barrett on private-public sector wages raised the spirit of debate in the Legislature today. “People have the perception that government jobs pay a whole lot better than regular jobs,” Barrett said. “We know they are right; it’s in the research. If … Continue reading “Barrett question raises tone of debate”
By MPP Toby Barrett On the heels of what may be one of the largest scandals in Ontario’s history, the long and convoluted trail to the truth has been revealed by the office of Ontario’s auditor-general. As we now know, the cost of cancelling the Oakville and Mississauga power plants was $1.1 billion, far more … Continue reading “Tracking back the billion-dollar gas plant trail”
Barrett to bring forward debate on balance between private and public sector
For Immediate Release October 23, 2013 Queen’s Park – Tomorrow Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett will put forward a fresh idea on what a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work should look like in Ontario. Barrett will be debating his latest Private Members Bill – Bill 113, Comprehensive Pay Fairness Act – that shines … Continue reading “Barrett to bring forward debate on balance between private and public sector”
Ontario businesses need more than baby steps from government
For Immediate Release October 22, 2013 Queen’s Park – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett called on the Wynne government to stop creating rules, regulations and red tape that are suffocating business. Barrett’s remarks were in response to government Bill 105, Supporting Small Business Act. Basically, the proposed legislation adds $50,000 to a tax exemption that was … Continue reading “Ontario businesses need more than baby steps from government”
Environmental commissioner identifies need for more focus on invasive species
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 17, 2013 SIMCOE – In the wake of two Asian carp being found near Dunnville, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett is calling on the government to follow Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Gord Miller’s recommendation to beef up the province’s invasive species’ strategic plan. In 2012, the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan was … Continue reading “Environmental commissioner identifies need for more focus on invasive species”
By MPP Toby Barrett Recently I’ve been attempting to put the spotlight on public sector compensation – not just wages but also pensions, vacation time, sick time, hours of work, early retirement, job security and other benefits – in comparison to private sector jobs. When you factor in the perks, research indicates civil servants are … Continue reading “Barrett bill addresses public/private pay equity”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 16, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK – Premier Kathleen Wynne unveiled the long-awaited horse racing industry transition panel’s five-year plan for the industry at Grand River Raceway in Wellington County last week. But the plan was akin to closing the barn door after the horses have gotten out. The panel’s report recommends retaining … Continue reading “Wynne puts horse racing industry out to pasture”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 11, 2013 QUEEN’S PARK – Unsatisfied with the answer he received to a question about the illegal burger shack in Caledonia, MPP Toby Barrett again raised the matter in the Ontario Legislature this week. The burger shack is on provincial land and is operating without approvals from the health unit, fire … Continue reading “Dismantle illegal structures in Caledonia: Barrett”