FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 20, 2014 SARNIA – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP and Opposition Consumer Services Critic Toby Barrett predicts more border hopping for cheap gas if there’s a hike at the pumps. “More expensive gas in Ontario – to pay for Toronto subways – by default means cheaper gas in the U.S. and more people buying … Continue reading “Fuel tax hike could be disaster for border towns: Barrett”
Year: 2014
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 17, 2014 PORT DOVER – More than the Great Lakes fishery is at stake if Asian carp were to become established in Ontario waters. “Ontario is a boater’s paradise with the Trent-Severn and Rideau canal systems connecting many waterways in the central portion of the province,” said MPP Toby Barrett. With … Continue reading “Local MPP calls for action to keep Asian carp at bay”
By MPP Toby Barrett As we contemplate the new year, it has been suggested to me the economic, fiscal and political models in Ontario cannot forever continue in their present form. Let’s hope, for the sake of coming generations, we can rebuild an Ontario we can once again be proud of. Our best course is … Continue reading “Rebuilding will be difficult, but necessary”
By MPP Toby Barrett Reflecting on the past six months, we’re reminded what a blessing our many summer festivals, parades and fall fairs contribute to our communities – small towns with big ideas. I can’t say the same for the shenanigans in the Ontario Legislature during the second half of 2013. As we recall, temperatures … Continue reading “Let’s work for jobs, economic growth in 2014!”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 7, 2014 PORT DOVER – Permanent separation of the Mississippi River system from the Great Lakes is the only solution, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett said in the wake of a report on options to keep Asian carp out of the lakes. Released Monday, the US Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes … Continue reading “MPP calls for physical barrier to stop Asian carp”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 6, 2014 SIMCOE – The call for a select committee to study the province’s emergency preparedness has the full backing of Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett. “New measures were put in place following the ice storm of 1998 that struck eastern Ontario,” Barrett said. “Following the extended length of time many in … Continue reading “Ice storm illustrates need for emergency review”
By MPP Toby Barrett New Year festivities trace their origins back 4,000 years to Mesopotamia. The tradition of a baby representing the coming year and an old man representing the past originated with the ancient Greeks. January 1 became New Year ’s Day by decree of Caesar to honour Janus, the god of all beginning. Representations … Continue reading “Last winter and spring had its ups and downs”