For Immediate Release:
December 6, 2010
Queens Park – The Auditor General’s report underlines the continued failure of the Ontario government when it comes to diverting waste in Ontario.
“Just weeks after we learned McGuinty’s Electronics recycling program is meeting only 2 per cent of its diversion target, the Auditor General confirms that government is falling well short of waste diversion goals we are all paying for,” Barrett reported. “That, coupled with the AG’s findings regarding insufficient landfill capacity, paints a pretty bleak picture for the future of waste management in a McGuinty Ontario.”
Jim McCarter’s report points out that, “Overall, Ontario households and municipalities deserve a pat on the back as they have substantially improved the rate at which they divert household waste from landfills. But this increase has been offset by a drop in the diversion rate by the industrial, commercial, and institutional sectors.”
“This government promised to divert 60 per cent of Ontario’s waste by 2008! It’s now two years later, and we’re not even half-way there yet!” exclaimed Barrett. “It’s unconscionable that government continues to force the people of Ontario to pay for its half-baked waste diversion schemes when the results are so dismal.”
McCarter further noted that landfill capacity will be filled more rapidly once export of residential waste to U.S. landfill sites largely ends after 2010.
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For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at
(519) 428-0446 or (905)-765-8413, 1-800-903-8629