For Immediate Release:
November 3, 2011
Simcoe — With the economy in decline and the deficit on the rise, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett has echoed Opposition Leader Tim Hudak’s pledge to do what Dalton McGuinty cannot: rein in government spending, eliminate waste, and restore Ontario as a leader in private sector job creation.
“Ontario’s unemployment rate has remained above the national average for 57 consecutive months, with 500,000 Ontarians still looking for work,” intoned Barrett, new Opposition Critic for Community and Social Services. “Meanwhile, the deficit is $16 billion – much larger than all other provinces combined.
“It’s well past time for action before this crisis spirals completely out of control.”
Barrett has requested an urgent meeting with the Minister for Com Soc. to discuss spending, value for services and what can be done to reduce red tape and create jobs. Other Opposition Critics are requesting meetings as well to reverse Ontario’s economic crisis and get more people back to work.
“Community and Social Services is the fourth largest ministry, with government spending at $9.8 Billion,” Barrett stated. “I look forward to meeting with Ministry officials, as well as groups and individuals locally, to help generate ideas for getting people back to work.”
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For more information contact:
Toby Barrett at 1-800-903-8629 or 519-428-0446