Barrett petition registers residents’ displeasure with high electricity prices




QUEEN’SPARK – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett has been letting members of the Ontario Legislature know riding residents aren’t pleased with high electricity prices by continuing to read in names from a petition on energy poverty.

Barrett has been collecting names on the petition since October. The petition points out electricity rates have risen by more than 300 per cent since the current government took office and over half of electricity bills are delivery charges, regulatory charges and Global Adjustment. It also raises the fear cap and trade will drive bills even higher, resulting in people having less money to spend on essential expenses.

“Electricity prices have long been out of control,” Barrett said after reading in more petitions today. “When I hear people tell me they have to choose between heating and eating, there is definitely something wrong. The government needs to dramatically change its energy policies.”

In addition to the names read in today, Barrett has been reading in names from the petition the past four weeks.

The petition is available online, both electronically and to be downloaded, at Barrett must have hard copy petitions in order to be able to read them in the Legislature.


For more information, contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446 or