For immediate release:
July 10, 2012
Simcoe – After years of waiting for the Ontario Government to conduct promised health studies on the impact of wind turbines that Mr. McGuinty continues to force on our rural communities, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Barrett says a moratorium is in order following news of a Health Canada study.
“While our calls for a wind moratorium have been tossed aside by a government dedicated to pushing massive wind towers on rural neighbours, the announcement of a Health Canada study allows an opportunity for science to prevail over ideology,” Barrett stated. “On numerous occasions I have called on government to at least pause for common sense to prevail before charging headlong into allowing green energy companies carte blanche.”
Barrett noted that both Haldimand and Norfolk Counties are amongst the 80 municipal councils, representing two million Ontarians, to have called on the government to put in place a full moratorium on industrial wind development.
“Despite opposition from across Ontario, government continues to shut down input through Green Energy Act regulations designed to grease the passage for renewables,” noted MPP Toby Barrett. “While we await news on the six separate applications for appeal of the Samsung wind/solar project in Haldimand County, I continue to advocate for government to listen to science and the people of Ontario who heretofore have been denied a voice on the implementation of green energy.”
The Health Canada study is in response to questions from residents living near wind farms about possible health effects of low frequency noise generated by wind turbines. The study is being designed with support from external expertise, specializing in areas including noise, health assessment, clinical medicine and epidemiology.
For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at: (416) 325-8404,
(519) 428-0446 or 1-800-903-8629