For Immediate Release:
October 26, 2010
Queen’s Park – On the launch of renowned journalist Christie Blatchford’s chronicle of the land occupation in Caledonia, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett asked Premier McGuinty if this book represents the final chapter.
“Her book is titled Helpless: Caledonia’s Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us. “Some questions, Premier: Does this wrap it up? Is this the final say on what happened, on what went wrong down in Caledonia? Premier, now will you get to the bottom of this?”
In true McGuinty fashion, the Premier passed the buck to Attorney General Chris Bentley who ducked the question and took the time to speak about land claims rather than Barrett’s inferred questions about law and order.
In the introduction of the book, Blatchford states, “What the book is really about is the failure of government to govern and to protect all its citizens equally. She also notes, “Over the ensuing four years — and then some, as the occupation continues to this day — the rule of law was utterly decimated.”
“Attorney General, these are serious allegations. Is this the final say? Barrett again queried. “Is this how the record stands? Is this how the record will stand, or will you now call a public inquiry?”
Minister Bentley suggested an inquiry has already been conducted and cited Justice Linden’s Ipperwash Report from 2003. “That inquiry, which took several years and contained many recommendations, is really the starting point for a better, more fruitful approach to the resolution of issues.”
Following question period Barrett said that the Minister is naive in thinking the Ipperwash Report can resolve the Caledonia crisis.
“Here we have a journalist who has penned a thorough account of the anarchy in Caledonia in just a matter of months, and yet we see a government – after four-and-a-half years – nowhere near a starting point for resolution.”
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For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at
(519) 428-0446 or (905)-765-8413, 1-800-903-8629