Why budget cuts for wealth-generating ministries?

For immediate release: May 3, 2017


QUEEN’S PARK – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett questioned the cuts to what he termed the “ministries overseeing the generating of wealth” during budget bill debate in the Ontario Legislature.

“We know that the present Ontario budget is planned to go up, in the coming budget year, by $6 billion, and I’m puzzled. I look at some of the ministries—for example, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry,” he said. “That particular ministry is going down $37.4 million. Last year, in the interim 2016-17 budget, it was $861.8 million. In this year’s planned budget, 2017-18, it will be down to a level of $824.4 million.”

Barrett pointed out cuts continue in other ministries with small budgets – budgets designed to boost agriculture, northern development and mines, research and innovation.

“These are the wealth generators in the province of Ontario,” he said. “Economic development and growth; and research, innovation and science, which includes green investment funding—that has been cut from $1.0586 billion down to $971 million. There’s an $87.6-million cut.”


For more information contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446 or toby.barrett@pc.ola.org




Monday, May 1, 2017

Mr. Toby Barrett: I do want to comment on the recent presentations of the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry.

We know that the present Ontario budget is planned to go up, in the coming budget year, by $6 billion, and I’m puzzled. I look at some of the ministries—for example, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Overall spending is going up $6 billion. That particular ministry is going down $37.4 million. Last year, in the interim 2016-17 budget, it was $861.8 million. In this year’s planned budget, 2017-18, it will be down to a level of $824.4 million.

It always bothers me when I see the smaller-budget ministries—the very, very important ministries like MNR, like northern development and mines, like agriculture, for example—when we see the cuts in the very small ministries. Agriculture has dropped $47.1 million. Northern development and mines has dropped $70.3 million.

These are the wealth generators in the province of Ontario. Economic development and growth; and research, innovation and science, which includes green investment funding—that has been cut from $1.0586 billion down to $971 million. There’s an $87.6-million cut.

Why do we cut the important ministries? They have very small budgets to begin with. These are the ministries overseeing the generating of wealth in the province of Ontario.