July 25, 2013
SIMCOE – Newly obtained documents make it clear more evidence exists of the gas plant scandal.
On June 6. Premier Kathleen Wynne government told the Privacy Commissioner that deleted e-mails could not be recovered.
“This latest discovery of information proves otherwise,” said Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett. “It’s time to come clean on this fiasco. Are these delay tactics because of the by-elections? The auditor general’s report on the Mississauga gas plant is still to come also.”
“While this latest document dump contains 3,000 e-mails, more telling was the accompanying letter stating more than 3,000 back-up tapes full of Liberal gas plant emails still exist,” said Opposition Energy Critic Vic Fedeli said. “And more than 1,200 of those tapes belong to Kathleen Wynne.” The bill for the cancelled gas plants keeps rising. It could cost up to $3.5 million to convert the back-up tapes into readable messages.
“Taxpayers are on the hook again and again for the McGuinty-Wynne mismanagement of the whole gas plant fiasco. When will the bleeding of public coffers end,” Barrett asked. “Wynne was co-chair of the Liberal campaign, she signed off on a key cabinet document and is following in Mr. McGuinty’s footsteps.”
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For more information contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446 or 1-800-903-8629