For Immediate Release:
July 29, 2011
STRAFFORDVILLE – Elgin and Norfolk County farmers told Haldimand-Norfolk MPP and Elgin-Middlesex-London PC candidate Jeff Yurek of the frustrations they face.
Individual producers and representatives of farm groups met Thursday at Kristen’s Kitchen in Straffordville to explain some of the challenges they face. Risk management, rising energy prices and the ability of young farmers to enter the industry were among the items discussed.
Food producers expressed frustration with seeing foreign meat and produce on the shelves of grocery stores and in national chain restaurants while they were struggling to sell their product. Often times, the off-shore product isn’t produced to the same standard as domestic product and is processed with labour making cents per day.
Another item of contention was the red tape farmers face. The growing complexity of Permit to Take Water applications were cited as an example. Barrett and Yurek followed the meeting with a press event on red tape and how it was hampering small businesses and farms. The PCs have set a goal of reducing red tape by 30% by the end of their first term, if elected to government. If that doesn’t happen, the Premier and Cabinet minister would face a pay cut.
The farmers were positive that agriculture can play a much stronger role in the area economy, especially it was given a higher priority by government.
For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at: (416) 325-8404,
(519) 428-0446 or 1-800-903-8629