For Immediate Release
October 22, 2013
Queen’s Park – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett called on the Wynne government to stop creating rules, regulations and red tape that are suffocating business.
Barrett’s remarks were in response to government Bill 105, Supporting Small Business Act. Basically, the proposed legislation adds $50,000 to a tax exemption that was introduced in 1996 by former Premier Mike Harris.
“We’ve been debating a baby step…we see no plan here beyond a baby step,” Barrett remarked. “There’s no substantial plan or course of action – no mention of real tax policy. We’ve seen the tax policy of tax hikes over the last 10 years…we asked for an energy policy beyond blowing $1.1 billion on the two gas plants.”
The local member went on to say that Ontario has a policy on taxation that encompasses not only business taxes but income taxes, and also consumption taxes – the HST. He made it clear that the Official Opposition is opposed to the Ontario College of Trades tax, adding changes to labour legislation are long overdue especially with respect to outdated apprenticeship ratios.
“We’re probably going to see a hike in WSIB premiums,” Barrett said. “We’re probably going to see a hike in the minimum wage.
“We have seen a hike in the tax rate on what I describe as the maximum wage, where both parties got together and decided to, as they describe it, tax the rich at a rate of 49.5 per cent. That’s one of the highest tax rates in North America.”
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