For Immediate Release:
March 29, 2011
Ontario environment concerns ignored in McGuinty budget, no plan to mend the damage of eco taxes and unkept promises
Queens Park – Despite a year that saw Mr. McGuinty render uncalculated damage to the concepts of environmentalism and stewardship, Ontario’s 2011 budget contains zero in the way of restoring the province’s environmental credibility.
That according to Opposition Environment Critic Toby Barrett following the release of a provincial budget that was bereft of new ideas to protect Ontario’s environment.
“This government just doesn’t seem to get it,” Barrett asserted. “Taxpayers just received an $18 million bill for their botched eco tax exercise that they tried to sneak in under the shadow of the HST. People want to see their money go to program that work, and the budget seems to indicate we are getting the same old story of a government that makes it up as they go along, leaving us all to pick up the tab.”
In addition to the harm done by the eco tax debacle, Barrett added that we’re still waiting for a revamped Waste Diversion Act that the former Environment Minister promised we would see close to a year ago.
“Instead of restoring faith in Ontario’s environmental direction, we hear more rumour of even further taxes under the guise of environmentalism.” Barrett affirmed. “A water tax, a carbon tax, an eco tax on cars – all of these options are reported to be on the table for a government seemingly addicted to taxing and spending.”
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For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at
(519) 428-0446 or (905)-765-8413, 1-800-903-8629