For Immediate Release: September 13, 2019
SIMCOE – Haldimand-Norfolk is getting an injection of new long-term care beds.
Across the province, there are more than 34,000 Ontarians waiting to get into a long-term care home, putting strain on the health care system and leaving residents waiting far too long for care they desperately need.
The Ministry of Long-Term Care has given the green light to Anson Place, Hagersville, to build 68 new beds and to upgrade 60 existing beds. Likewise, Dover Cliffs in Port Dover will build 58 new beds with 70 of the existing beds upgraded.
“This is great news for our area,” said Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett. “Adding new beds is long overdue but updating existing beds to bring them up to modern standards is equally as important.
“Our seniors, their caregivers and staff at these homes deserve this investment. This will go a long way to reducing waitlists, while maintaining patient safety and ensuring high standards of care.”
For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446, 905-765-8413 or 1-80-903-8629