For Immediate Release
September 22, 2014
Simcoe – Ontario’s deficit continues to go up and up and up, according to the Ontario Government’s Public Accounts Office.
Public Accounts has confirmed the deficit rose to $10.5 Billion for fiscal year 2013-14 – up from $9.2 Billion in the previous fiscal year. And, the deficit is forecast to increase to $12.5 Billion during this current fiscal year.
“The Premier has now introduced two budgets and both had increasing deficits,” said Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett. “Ontario’s deficit is larger than all other provinces and the federal government combined.”
Increasing deficits threaten frontline services like health care for seniors and education for our young people.
“We need honesty from this government,” Barrett went on. “They continue to say one thing and then do the opposite – they say they don’t want to borrow from reserves to cover operating costs, yet continue to do so.”
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For more information please contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446, 1-800-903-8629