Opposition Environment Critic calls for government support of ‘Earth Hour’

For Immediate Release:
March 24, 2010

Queens Park – “Perhaps government feels the loss of close to 300,000 manufacturing jobs under its watch was contribution enough to cut electricity use?” that was the open ended question Haldimand-Norfolk’s MPP voiced after finding little notice of Ontario’s support for Earth Hour this Saturday.

“Last year all we got was a three line news release on the Ministry of Environment website,” MPP Toby Barrett noted. “This year speaker, check the website and there’s not even that – no mention now four days ahead of the event of earth hour even existing.”

This is the fourth year that what is described as the largest climate event in history – Earth Hour – has called on countries, provinces, cities and residents to take one simple action step; turn out the lights. Last year, more than 4,000 cities in 87 countries went dark.

Barrett called on government and residents to lend their support this Saturday between 8:30 and 9:30pm.

“I stand to remind government members – as I have for the last three years – and encourage those throughout Ontario join in this Saturday night’s ‘Earth Hour’,” prodded Barrett.

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For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at
(519) 428-0446 or (905)-765-8413, 1-800-903-8629