Jan. 18, 2015
HAMILTON – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett welcomed a presentation by Bryan Gilvesy, Executive Director of Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Canada, during today’s pre-budget hearings before the Finance Committee.
A Norfolk County farmer, Gilvesy provided the committee with the history of the ALUS program, which saw its Ontario start in Norfolk.
Gilvesy described ALUS as “community-led and farmer-delivered”.
The program provides payments to enhance and maintain the benefits nature can provide to society. It is a locally-operated program that results in cleaner water, cleaner air and habitat for endangered and non-endangered species. It is now available in nine counties in Ontario.
Gilvesy asked the committee to support more provincial funding due to all the pressing environmental issues. He saw ALUS as a solution to the problem.
“ALUS is a grassroots program that makes sense and actually delivers habitat that is vital to wildlife,” Barrett said. “With 1,800 acres enrolled, society is receiving excellent value for money invested.”
Barrett is a member of the Finance Committee which is conducting hearings this week in Hamilton, Windsor, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie and Ottawa.
For more information, contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446 or