For immediate release:
July 13, 2012
Port Dover – Ontario’s Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) will begin consideration of six appeals for the Haldimand-Samsung wind/solar project August 9th.
The ERT has announced that “a Preliminary Hearing will be conducted by the Hearing Panel on Thursday, August 9, 2012 at 10am in the Council Chambers, Cayuga Administration Building. The purpose of the preliminary hearing will be to rule on requests from groups and individuals for party, participant or presenter status, to identify the issues to be considered at the main hearing….”
“The initiation of this appeal process is significant as it marks the final opportunity for local input before the green carpet is rolled out for industrial wind turbines across Haldimand and massive subsidies to Samsung,” Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Barrett stated. “I encourage all those who have been contacting my office with concerns to take advantage of this final opportunity to make their voices heard.”
The notice indicates that the main hearing for the presentation of evidence “will commence on Monday, September 10 at 10am at the Cayuga Kinsmen Centre.”
Anyone who wishes to participate as a “party”, a “participant”, or a “presenter” must provide their request in writing to the Case Coordinator, Tracee Wessam by August 3, 2012. Requestors must indicate the status they are seeking; their interest in the proceeding; a statement of the issues, facts and submissions relevant to the appeal that they wish to present.
Tracee Wessam
Case Coordinator
Environmental Review Tribunal
655 Bay St., Suite 1500
Toronto, ON
M5G 1E5
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For more information please contact MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446, 416-325-8404 or 1-800-903-8629