For Immediate Release:
March 25, 2011
Queens Park – How often can government commit to, “no new taxes” before we stop believing?
That was Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett’s question as we ponder a 2011 budget that government promised would contain no new taxes.
“Does this mean Mr. McGuinty will hit us with new taxes following the budget or following the election,” queried Barrett. “This government is hardwired to taxing and spending, and McGuinty has a long history of bringing in massive tax grabs soon after promising voters he would not.”
After the 2003 election, Mr. McGuinty introduced the largest income tax increase in the history of Ontario. After the 2007 election, Mr. McGuinty gave us the largest sales tax increase in the province’s history. In both cases, voters were promised no new tax.
“Recently we’ve all felt the pinch of eco taxes, auto insurance increases, skyrocketing hydro bills,” Barrett reported. “What’s next – a carbon tax? A water tax?”
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For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at
(519) 428-0446 or (905)-765-8413, 1-800-903-8629