For Immediate Release:
June 30, 2011
Simcoe – July 1 marks the one year anniversary of the eco tax — an additional tax introduced on 9,000 items along with the HST.
Facing pressure, the Ontario government backed down and tried to save face by removing the tax on some goods.
But Dalton McGuinty did not remove the eco taxes from all items. Instead, he kept the tax on every day items like batteries and light bulbs while also keeping it on electronic devices like iPods, laptops and video game consoles.
Barrett says the eco tax must go.
“There are a number of options that we’ll consider,” said Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett. “Options that include private-sector and non-profit programs that are already working across in other jurisdictions.
“Only Ontario and British Columbia have chosen to implement government-mandated diversion programs on items like batteries. We would work to facilitate and build upon an approach that allows competition. We will look for a system that incents families to recycle, not penalizes them”
Barrett went on to indicate that Waste Diversion Ontario and Stewardship Ontario must be reviewed along with every one of Ontario’s 630 different agencies, boards, and commissions.
“Our process will be straightforward,” he said. “If it works, leave it alone. If it’s broken, fix it. If it cannot justify its existence, it goes.”
For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at: (416) 325-8404,
(519) 428-0446 or 1-800-903-8629